VetProfit (2021)

Project title:
Multidisciplinary, project-based digital learning content for vocational education
Project coordinator:
iTStudy Hungary Education and Research Centre Ltd.
Project duration:
11-01-2021 – 10-31-2024
Projekt number:
Projekt website:

Vocational education and training plays a key role in preparing young people for the challenges of a rapidly evolving global and digital world of work. However, education often works in isolation from the requirements and skills that employers demand of their employees. The latter acquire theoretical knowledge in (training) education, the former seek practical skills.
Project-oriented work is often not sufficiently integrated into training, either through workbooks that are not up-to-date or through trainers/teachers who do not (yet) use the project approach

The project aims at:
- confronting contents of textbooks for vocational training in the agricultural and IT sectors with actual labor market requirements in these fields
- developing - in close consultation with VET teachers and labor market representatives – tasks for project-based work, the digital tools to be used for this purpose, and assessment practices
- collecting and making accessible project-based, reusable, motivating digital learning contents with an interdisciplinary approach
Mini-courses are also to be designed to prepare teachers and students for successful project work.

In Germany, the dual training system promotes the close integration of theory and practice for most training occupations, so that the coordination of professional requirements trained in a company and knowledge transfer in the vocational school prepares people for the world of work in an almost optimal way.
For example, DEULA-Nienburg regularly offers courses on sustainable field work, which has become even more important since the new CAP (Common Agricultural Policy of the EU).
DEULA-Nienburg would like to bring the contents of these courses into the mini-courses to be developed.
Digital learning platform with the following content:
- Problem-Based Learning - Blended Course for Vocational School Teachers
- Labor market-oriented projects with reusable digital mini-courses for trainees and students
- A guide for VET professionals on the methodology of developing digital micro-learning content