Contact Persons

Bernd Antelmann


Phone: +49 (0)5021 9728-14
Fax: +49 (0)5021 9728-10
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Yuliana Kidess

Head of the International Relations Department

Phone: +49 (0)5021 9728-16
Fax: +49 (0)5021 9728-10
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Our Knowledge - Your Success

Our Knowledge - Your Success

The federal education project "Farmer School" was launched in Russia. DEULA is pleased to become a partner of this project in the Udmurt Republic.

by Sekretariat

This week the "Farmer School" was opened in the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. The event took place in an online format. The head of our education centre, Bernd Antelmann, and the head of the international department, Yuliana Kidess, also welcomed the participants of this project and colleagues from the Agricultural Academy. 

This joint educational project was initiated by Rosselhozbank and is implemented with the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, local authorities of some Russian regions, leading agricultural enterprises of the country and specialised agricultural universities.

In the Udmurt Republic the "Farmer School" project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Udmurt Republic on the basis of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.  Our centre DEULA-Nienburg has been cooperating with the Agricultural Academy for many years. The students complete an agricultural internship in Germany every year, and the teachers regularly gain further qualifications on the basis of our centre.

DEULA-Nienburg is a partner in the "Farmer School" project and organises two online seminars in the fields of cheese production and beef cattle husbandry. In April, the participants will have the opportunity to talk to German experts and to get to know some German farms virtually in order to gain an international experience in agriculture.

We wish all the participants of the "Farmer School" success and look forward to welcoming them in our education centre in the future.




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